Discussing issues that The United States face both foreign and domestic. A Non-partisan viewpoint where we believe in right and wrong not right and left, hopefully forming a more UNITED States of America.
Senator Specter has become the first Democrat to sign Let Freedom Ring's Healthcare Pledge. He joins 117 other members of Congress that have signed the pledge. This is certainly an interesting move by Arlen Specter, showing boldness and courage to sign this pledge. Colin Hanna said, Senator Specter "has never been anyone's rubber stamp." Hopefully other democrats will now sign the pledge and actually show Americans they will READ a bill (especially one as significant as healthcare reform) before voting on it.
Congressman Sestak, said at a town hall in Philadelphia, he would sign the pledge too if the pledge did not have its second part stating that the bill be available to the American People on the internet for at least 72 hours before the bill is voted on. Congressman Lincoln Davis' (D-TN) staff said he would sign the pledge too if more democrats have signed it. Congressman Ed Towns (D-NY) told a constituent he would sign the pledge but has not at this time. Representative Allyson Schwartz (D-PA) told Megyn Kelley of Fox News in an interview that the pledge was on her desk, but she has not signed it as well.
What is really sad is, out of 535 seats in Congress, 118 have agreed to read the healthcare bill before they will vote on it. This shows how out of touch Washington is with the American People. Most simply do not understand that they work for us, WE DO NOT WORK FOR THEM, and until Congress realizes this, they will just remain out of touch with America and we will not be the Republic we have always been.
For more information on Specter signing the pledge, read Washington Times Article here.
Blue Dog Democrats reach a deal with Democratic leaders with regards to the Healthcare Reform Bill. The deal seems to be that they will cut 100 Billion (less than 10% of the bill) and exempt small business making less than $500,000 a year. Also part of the deal Steny Hoyer announced that the bill will not reach the house floor before the August Recess.
This bill will destroy American Healthcare as we know it. Democrats are taking the worlds best system and putting government in charge. The best metaphor can be found with this video:
Can there be simple ideas to improve our system which does have some flaws? Of course there are, and we should allow capitalism to thrive in healthcare, but we are taking the best system in the world and putting government in charge of our healthcare. This chart below is how are government will run our healthcare system:
Looks confusing doesn't it? Do you really want to go through that for healthcare?
They have a 1,000 page plus bill and NOT ONE DEMOCRAT HAS AGREED TO READING THE BILL BEFORE VOTING FOR IT. What we need to do this august recess, is go to their town halls, tell them how we really feel about this bill, flood their telephones, fax lines, mailboxes, and e-mail about why they should read this legislation (what we elected them to do) and tell them how they should vote.
This is our last chance to stop this legislation because the Blue Dogs are now on board with it. We must defeat it like how American Citizens defeated the amnesty bill under President Bush.
A conservative group, called Let Freedom Ring, from Delaware and Pennsylvania have created a pledge and sent it to every member of congress about healthcare reform.
The Pledge simply states:
I, ________________________________, pledge to my constituents and to the American people that I will not vote to enact any healthcare reform package
1) I have not read, personally, in its entirety; and,
2) Has not been available, in its entirety, to the American people on the Internet for at least 72 hours, so that they can read it too.
Member, United States House of Representatives
Another version with US Senator at the bottom for a signature is available too. At first the pledge started with 4 signers on their website Let Freedom Ring and the website solely dedicated to the healthcare pledge by Let Freedom Ring, PledgetoRead.com.
The Four (which are confirmed) are Senators DeMint (SC) and Inhofe (OK) and Representatives Jerry Moran and Todd Tiahrt, both from Kansas.
Recently the names have been pulled from the website as they announced all signatures will be released on July 20, along with a list of Senators and Representatives who have refused to sign the pledge. There are rumors (cannot be confirmed) that the minority leader in Congress, John Boehner has signed the pledge and is strongly advising fellow republicans to sign the pledge too. It is a fact too (after calling Let Freedom Ring) that pledge signers have reached double digits, which is more then the the "half dozen" Colin Hanna stated on this interview with Fox News.
Steny Hoyer laughed when he heard about Pledge to Read according to The Politico even stating the bill would GET VERY FEW VOTES if LEGISLATORS READ THE BILL and Nancy Pelosi was confronted by a reporter asking about the pledge too.
The best moment happened today when Megyn Kelley at the end of the interview, confronted Representative Allyson Schwartz about the pledge who wouldn't say yes but "had it on her desk."
After personally calling the office of the representative, as a citizen, they would not tell me if in fact the pledge was on her desk, or even if a staff member saw the pledge.
I think everyone should go to PledgeToRead.com and download the pledge and send it to your Two Senators and Representative, also mention you're a constituent of that lawmaker and tell them why you want them to sign it. The best way is by fax, and talk to a staff member in thier office and e-mail the pledge to them.
Tell them to send a fax of the signed pledge to 1-888-462-6891 (or if you receive a signed copy send it there) so Let Freedom Ring, Inc. can see the pledge and know that particular Senator or Representative has signed the pledge.