Discussing issues that The United States face both foreign and domestic. A Non-partisan viewpoint where we believe in right and wrong not right and left, hopefully forming a more UNITED States of America.
Showing posts with label FreedomWorks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FreedomWorks. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cut, Cap, and Balance the Budget Pledge

Let Freedom Ring and 30+ other organizations have recently sponsored a new pledge to cut, cap, and balance the budget. Back in 2009, I worked for Let Freedom Ring and helped launch Pledge to Read where over 100 members of Congress agreed to read the health care bill before voting in favor for it.*

Once again, we will find out which politicians are truly on the people's side to bring back sanity to Washington.

(Blog Postings of mine about Pledge to Read can be found here and here)

Late this evening (6/16/11), radio host Mark Levin interviewed Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) who mentioned the pledge and is working hard to get fellow members of Congress to sign it as well. At the time of this posting, Let Freedom Ring's Pledge website indicated only Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) had signed the pledge, but, based on the interview, it appears Senator DeMint has signed it as well.

Shortly after Mark Levin signed off his radio show, over 1,000 citizens signed the pledge (only roughly 100 signed it before the interview) with Levin stating a personal goal of 10,000 people signing it before he began his radio show friday radio show at 6:00 pm. The pledge was also posted on Mark Levin's facebook page.

As the national debt soars over $14 trillion, America will shortly reach its limit on the debt ceiling before it begins defaulting on its debt, and budget shortfalls in huge government programs such as Medicare, it will be interesting to see where elected members of Congress stand on the pledge and the future of our nation.

If you would like to sign the pledge, learn more about it, and/or would like to send it to your Senators and Representative, please visit: http://www.cutcapbalancepledge.com/

* note: I stopped working for Let Freedom Ring and the end of the summer of 2009 to pursue academics. 

-Christian N.